/* NSTextField (Click to allow changes) : <title:Click to allow changes> (oid:457) */
"Click to allow changes" = "Click to allow changes";
"Click to disallow changes" = "Click to disallow changes";
/* NSButton (Create New Share) : <title:Create New Share> (oid:353) */
"Create New Share" = "Create New Share";
"Update Share" = "Update Share";
"Update Group" = "Update Group";
"Add New Group" = "Add New Group";
"Input is not an integer" = "Input is not an integer";
/*Startup Error Strings*/
"If you are seeing this message a bug has occured. Please run the following command in the terminal and email the results to hornware@hornware.com.\nnireport . /config/SharePoints name directory_path" = "If you are seeing this message a bug has occured. Please run the following command in the terminal and email the results to hornware@hornware.com.\nnireport . /config/SharePoints name directory_path";
"If you are seeing this message a bug has occured. Please run the following command in the terminal and email the results to hornware@hornware.com.\nnireport . /users name uid sharedDir" = "If you are seeing this message a bug has occured. Please run the following command in the terminal and email the results to hornware@hornware.com.\nnireport . /users name uid sharedDir";
"If you are seeing this message a bug has occured. Please run the following command in the terminal and email the results to hornware@hornware.com.\nnireport . /groups gid name users" = "If you are seeing this message a bug has occured. Please run the following command in the terminal and email the results to hornware@hornware.com.\nnireport . /groups gid name users";
"If you are seeing this message a bug has occured. Please run the following command in the terminal and email the results to hornware@hornware.com.\nniutil -read . /config/AppleFileServer" = "If you are seeing this message a bug has occured. Please run the following command in the terminal and email the results to hornware@hornware.com.\nniutil -read . /config/AppleFileServer";
/*One Time Donation Message Text*/
"Donation" = "Donation";
"Please consider making a donation if you enjoy and use this software. This message will only appear once. Thank you." = "Please consider making a donation if you enjoy and use this software. This message will only appear once. Thank you.";
"Make Donation" = "Make Donation";
"Cancel" = "Cancel";
/*Group Management*/
"Confirm Add New Group" = "Confirm Add New Group";
"Are you sure you want to add a new Group?" = "Are you sure you want to add a new Group?";
"No" = "No";
"NO" = "NO";
"Yes" = "Yes";
"YES" = "YES";
"Confirm Update Group" = "Confirm Update Group";
"Are you sure you want to update the selected group?" = "Are you sure you want to update the selected group?";
"Group Fields Empty" = "Group Fields Empty";
"To add a New Group all fields must have a valid value. The following field(s) were left empty:\n%@" = "To add a New Group all fields must have a valid value. The following field(s) were left empty:\n%@";
"GID is Not Unique" = "GID is Not Unique";
"The GID entered is not unique. If you add a new group with a non-unique GID, the results will be unpredictable. Do you wish to add a new Group?" = "The GID entered is not unique. If you add a new group with a non-unique GID, the results will be unpredictable. Do you wish to add a new Group?";
"Are you sure you want to delete the group %@?" = "Are you sure you want to delete the group %@?";
/*User Management*/
"Confirm Add New File Sharing Only User" = "Confirm Add New File Sharing Only User";
"Are you sure you want to add a new File Sharing Only User? If you want to add a standard user, please visit the Users Control Panel." = "Are you sure you want to add a new File Sharing Only User? If you want to add a standard user, please visit the Users Control Panel.";
"Confirm Update User" = "Confirm Update User";
"Are you sure you want to update the selected user?" = "Are you sure you want to update the selected user?";
"User Fields Empty" = "User Fields Empty";
"To add a New User all fields must have a valid value. The following field(s) were left empty:\n%@" = "To add a New User all fields must have a valid value. The following field(s) were left empty:\n%@";
"UID is Not Unique" = "UID is Not Unique";
"The UID entered is not unique. If you add a new user with a non-unique UID, the results will be unpredictable. Do you wish to add a new File Sharing Only User?" = "The UID entered is not unique. If you add a new user with a non-unique UID, the results will be unpredictable. Do you wish to add a new File Sharing Only User?";
"The Share Name field must not be empty." = "The Share Name field must not be empty.";
"Directory Empty" = "Directory Empty";
"The Directory field must not be empty." = "The Directory field must not be empty.";
"Create Share Failed" = "Create Share Failed";
"An Error occured while creating the share \"%@\", please try again." = "An Error occured while creating the share \"%@\", please try again.";
"Confirm Delete All Shares" = "Confirm Delete All Shares";
"Are you sure you want to delete all the shares?" = "Are you sure you want to delete all the shares?";
/*Software Version Checking*/
"Your Software is up-to-date" = "Your Software is up-to-date";
"You have the most recent version of SharePoints." = "You have the most recent version of SharePoints.";
"A New Version is Available" = "A New Version is Available";
"A new version of SharePoints is available (version %@). Would you like to download the new version now?" = "A new version of SharePoints is available (version %@). Would you like to download the new version now?";
/*Jaguar Updating*/
"Shares Are Not Updated for Jaguar" = "Shares Are Not Updated for Jaguar";
"Your shares are not updated for Jaguar (Mac OS X 10.2). Do you want to update them now?" = "Your shares are not updated for Jaguar (Mac OS X 10.2). Do you want to update them now?";
"Shares Updated for Jaguar" = "Shares Updated for Jaguar";
"Your shares have been updated. You must now restart your computer or restart the AppleFileServer for these changes to take effect." = "Your shares have been updated. You must now restart your computer or restart the AppleFileServer for these changes to take effect.";
"Incorrect Mac OS X Version" = "Incorrect Mac OS X Version";
"Version %@ of SharePoints is only compatible with Mac OS X 10.2 and later. Please visit http://www.hornware.com/sharepoints.html to download a version of SharePoints compatible with your version of Mac OS X." = "Version %@ of SharePoints is only compatible with Mac OS X 10.2 and later. Please visit http://www.hornware.com/sharepoints.html to download a version of SharePoints compatible with your version of Mac OS X.";
"Go to Webpage and Quit SharePoints" = "Go to Webpage and Quit SharePoints";
"Quit SharePoints" = "Quit SharePoints";
/*Windows SMB*/
"If you are seeing this message a bug has occured. Please email a copy of your smb.conf file located in the /etc/ directory to hornware@hornware.com along with a description of the error." = "If you are seeing this message a bug has occured. Please email a copy of your smb.conf file located in the /etc/ directory to hornware@hornware.com along with a description of the error.";
"Illegal Share Name" = "Illegal Share Name";
"Shares can not have the name \"Global\" when sharing directories with Windows users. Please change your Share Name." = "Shares can not have the name \"Global\" when sharing directories with Windows users. Please change your Share Name.";
"Shares can not have the name \"Homes\" when sharing directories with Windows users. Please change your Share Name." = "Shares can not have the name \"Homes\" when sharing directories with Windows users. Please change your Share Name.";
"Your smb.conf config file is not compatible with this version of SharePoints. Please email a copy of your smb.conf file located in the /etc/ directory to hornware@hornware.com along with this message." = "Your smb.conf config file is not compatible with this version of SharePoints. Please email a copy of your smb.conf file located in the /etc/ directory to hornware@hornware.com along with this message.";
"The smb.conf file copy operation was unsuccessful. Please email hornware@hornware.com with this information." = "The smb.conf file copy operation was unsuccessful. Please email hornware@hornware.com with this information.";
"The old smb.conf file removal operation was unsuccessful. Please email hornware@hornware.com with this information." = "The old smb.conf file removal operation was unsuccessful. Please email hornware@hornware.com with this information.";
"The ~/smb.conf file write operation was unsuccessful. Please email hornware@hornware.com with this information." = "The ~/smb.conf file write operation was unsuccessful. Please email hornware@hornware.com with this information.";